
I feel so many benefits now and my energy is through the roof. I sleep as soon as my head hits the pillow and when I wake I feel rested and ready to start my day! I feel I have all the tools now to live a healthier lifestyle and have the energy to do everything needed in a day!


I have definitely healed my gut from years of antibiotics and birth control and my skin is the best it’s ever been. I cannot thank you enough for your help and guidance in healing my gut and in turn healing my skin.


Improvement in well-being felt quickly. No low points: continuous weight loss and corresponding increase in energy.

- Stephen, 21 Day Reset

This protein powder is amazing. It’s so tasty, and doesn’t contain anything nasty and it’s nutritionally complete which I didn’t think I would find in one single pot.

A Cusmaan, Daily Essential Formula

I've been having DEF for over a week now and I must say I'm addicted. Tastes good and knowing you're consuming your daily vitamins and minerals from a simple smoothie feels great!

Nageen, Daily Essential Formula